Blog_2019_11_14 Morning anxiety


Counterintuitive thoughts on how to deal with job-related anxiety

Anxiety is a sign of burnout at work.

For me, it usually started early in the morning when my body was no longer tired and sleepy and the mind took over. Thoughts would start flooding, reciting my story and worries about work and tasks ahead. There was no question about going back to sleep once this started.

From the people I work with now, I know that this is not an uncommon occurrence. Some follow my pattern of the morning "hamster wheel", some experience tightness in their body as they physically get closer to work. 

If the morning anxiety is your friend too, don’t feel bad. This may be more “normal” than you think. After all, you are one of those people who care, and this contributed to the success in your career up until now.

I get that it is very real and unpleasant! It interferes with your quality of life, ability to be effective at work and not to snap at your kids and loved ones, and on and on.

So how do you deal with it? How can you get your thoughts under control and get rid of the job-induced anxiety?

And here is the trick. If you want to bring real change, first you have to… stop trying to change it. Whaaa?..

It is like in the Native American story about two wolves, one good and one bad. The wolf that we feed, gets bigger and wins. 

So if we try to change it, control it or get rid of it, we may be feeding the wrong wolf. What we resist - persists. And where we put our attention - expands.

What do you do then? 

What if for some time you could view it not as a “problem” that needs to be solved asap, but as a signal, information that your body is sending you? Something’s gotta change. What would this be?

If you do not label it “anxiety” and instead try staying with it, listening to the message that is being delivered to you. If you had to guess, what would you say this message is?

A small tip. When you do this, keep massive compassion to yourself. Whatever comes up for you. All you need to do at this stage is just listen, no action or even analysis is necessary.

Drop me a line or reach out to me to schedule a time to chat. I would love to know what comes up for you.

Wishing you peaceful mornings and satisfying days!

Send me an email and let me know your thoughts or book a free consultation using this link.