Blog_2020_06_04 What is the right thing to do


What is the "right" thing to do?

Do you feel that your ability to focus on the task at hand was affected by the recent events and the turmoil that we are living in?

For me, at some point, it felt wrong to just go about my day and have business-as-usual going on. I felt compelled to do something, to react. But what can I do? What is the "right" thing to do now?

What we are grappling with as a society is a very complex subject, where many sides are involved. In my humble opinion, all the sides need to be heard (not necessarily approved of) in order to have a constructive dialogue that will lead to real change.

I do not pretend to have a global solution to racial injustice.

What I'm on about is what I, we can and should do right now, and day by day, month by month.

Does doing the work and taking care of the kids, as usual, mean I stay within the "narrow confines" of my "individualistic concerns"? 

I came to the conclusion that it is necessary and the right thing to go about our day, to keep doing our work (perhaps using a wider sense of this word meaning where most of our time and/or energy goes). 

It is through our work that we express our passions and beliefs.

And not necessarily in what we do. Not everyone can and should choose the line of work that is directly in line with their passions, but each and every one of us can express our beliefs and values through how we do whatever it is we do for a living and/or where we spend most of our time and energy.

For example, I work with individuals and organizations in the area of leadership through coaching. In particular, I work with female leadership. So the topic of diversity and inclusions was already front and center for me. But going forward, diversity and inclusion will be present at a very different level in what I do.

I will keep researching and educating myself and my children on the topics of privilege and unconscious bias. What it is, and how it feels? Especially how it may not be noticed by the people like me, who have the privilege in certain situations, for example, when we talk about race.

As a first-generation immigrant who grew up in a very different culture, it is not natural for me to think of myself as being born into privilege (I grew up in Siberia after all). But if I think about it, I definitely have the privilege, and not only by the color of my skin.

When you think about your work, how will you bring a new perspective, that you believe in, to your day-to-day?

I am convinced that it is important to try and get clear on it and make a commitment so that we have a better chance for change. 

Be well,