Blog_2020_06_18 Do you freak out about going back to work?


Do you freak out about going back to work?

If you can’t wait to go back to the familiar way of doing things, I respect your choice. 

If you (secretly) lament losing things you gained and experienced during the quarantine, you read until the end, I have a gift for you!

Many of us have discovered a silver lining of staying in isolation and WFH. Be it in the form of feeling more connected to our families or people at work, having a less rushed lifestyle, keeping better boundaries, or a better self-care routine. I definitely enjoyed having less noise outside of my building.

If there is something that you like and want to keep, it'll require some effort. 

A client recently shared that she built a comfortable structure while at home, which helped her keep peace of mind about her work and life. Then they started to “open up”.

The moment the reality kicked in, all the good habits and tools that she crafted when out of the window. It all got messed up. 

The old ways of doing things are very sticky. They are in our muscle memory, literally. 

The “new normal” is still a hypothetical construct, even though we’ve experienced some benefits of it over the last two months.

If you just open up the "flood gate”, you’ll go straight back to overworking, neglecting your family relationships and self-care, or whatever other self-destructive tendencies you had.

Even if you were not fully aware of them, the “great pause” brought them to your attention. So not you know.

Would you be okay to go back to the way things were three months ago? 

If the answer is “Yes”, I respect your choice.

If the answer is “Hell No!” (or something along those lines), I have a gift for you.

A simple process that'll help you keep what you like and discard the rest. 

You can download the workbook here for free.

Whether you go through this process or not, maybe be the difference between keeping your relationships strong, you - healthy, and satisfied with your job, or not. 

I know the value of this process is that great.

Why am I giving it for free?

I believe that it would be a pity if all the sacrifices that you, I (and others) have made over the last two months would be in vain and we just go back to the habitual ways without putting any thought to it. I believe you have an awesome opportunity to go to a new optimal!

The choice is yours.