Imagine you are at a party and someone says "Sooo... what do you do?"

  • What do you say?
  • And how do you feel when you say it?
  • Are you excited to talk about your job?

Or does this question make you want to shrink, give a very brief answer, and move on? Are you proud of what you do and how you do it? Or do you give your job all your energy, wondering what's all this for?

Let's get clear on how your job is working for you. Download your FREE GIFT The Burnout Barometer.

It will help you see what matters to you most, and what you might be missing.

Doing just this is the first step to the work and life you love! 


 Download Your Burnout Barometer


Do any (or all) of these following may sound familiar?

  • You have a successful career, achieved a lot, but you are not seeing the impact you want to make.
  • You feel stuck. You want to continue growing, but you literally cannot work any harder.
  • Your life is an endless to-do list! You are burned out, and have no energy for yourself, your team, or your loved ones.
  • And you want your work and life to be much more than this!

Imagine what would it be like to...

  • Wake up energized to go to work in the morning.
  • Be proud of your work and satisfied with your life?
  • Confidently lead yourself and your team to make the impact you want.

If you've had enough and are ready to make positive changes, take the first step...

Download and complete Your Burnout Barometer!


Your Burnout Barometer

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Hi, I'm Svetlana Parilova

I have been on the brink of burnout (and beyond) and back and I know there is another way! I am on a mission to help people to thrive and get excited about their day to day by putting work in line with their calling (big word, huh?).

One of the biggest benefits of the Burnout Barometer is the visual representation it provides. When you complete it, you will be able to quickly and easily identify the gaps between where you are and where you want to be, as well as what you might want to change to increase your work satisfaction.

A friendly warning, don't just read the assessment. Do it! Be open and honest with yourself. This is the greatest gift you can give yourself now (after all you do not have to do anything yet, just get clear)

The next logical question is "Do I need to quit my job and join the Peace Corps?" NO! Luckily, this is not necessary. It is possible to live your calling without leaving your job! I know it, I've done it. And so can you.

As the saying goes, the greatest journey begins with a single step!